Little Alchemy 2 Newspaper

The latest and trending news from around the world.


How to Craft a Newspaper in Little Alchemy 2

Step-by-Step Alchemy

To create a newspaper in Little Alchemy 2, follow these simple steps:


  1. Paper
  2. Time


  1. Drag "Paper" onto the game board.
  2. Drag "Time" onto the "Paper".


The combination of "Paper" and "Time" will yield a "Newspaper".

Additional Information

Newspapers are described in the official Little Alchemy 2 guide as "A periodical publication printed with timely articles." They are a valuable resource for staying informed about current events and gaining knowledge about the world.


By following these steps, you can easily create a newspaper in Little Alchemy 2 and embark on new discoveries within this enchanting world. ```