Register Of Commission Documents A Guide For Accessing Eu Documents

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Register of Commission Documents: A Guide for Accessing EU Documents

What is the Register of Commission Documents?

The Register of Commission Documents is a publicly accessible database that contains information on documents held by the European Commission and other EU institutions, including legislative proposals, communications, and reports.

Commissioning documentation is generated throughout the project delivery process. The content of commissioning documents varies with each project.

How to Find Documents on the Register

To find documents on the Register, you can use the following search options:

What Types of Documents are Included in the Register?

The Register includes a wide range of documents, including:

Not all documents issued by the Commission are included in the Register. Some documents, such as internal working documents, are not publicly available.

How to Access Documents on the Register

To access a document on the Register, click on the document title. You will be taken to a page where you can view the document in HTML or PDF format.

If you do not have access to the internet, you can request a copy of the document by writing to the following address:

European Commission Directorate-General for Communication Unit C.1 - Dissemination of Information 1049 Brussels Belgium

Additional Information

For more information about the Register of Commission Documents, please visit the following website: